Lyrics: Dim Oma – Chiege Alisigwe (Mmere Gini) | Sacred Igbo Traditional Songs


Lyrics: Dim Oma - Chiege Alisigwe (Mmere Gini) | Sacred Igbo Traditional Songs
: Dim Oma – (Mmere Gini) | Sacred Igbo Traditional Songs


Line 1

Mmere gini eeh, Eji atanumu ahuhu!
Mmere gini eeh, Eji agbakutamu azu!
Obu Okpu isi amahi akpu; Obu aguba adighi nku?
Mmere gini eeh (x2)  Ewooo!

Line 2

Mmere gini eeh, Eji atanumu ahuhu!
Mmere gini eeh, Eji agbakutamu azu!
Obu Okpu isi amahi akpu; Obu aguba adighi nku?
Mmere gini eeh (x2)  Mhhhh!


Oburu na mu mara, mgahi ekwe macha e
Oburu na mu mara, mgahi eso ya laa
Ahuhu nile e nke mnata nuwa; Ogahi elumu ahu e, Ogahi Adim etua ewooo.
Omenala nabazi e kam we welu owem
Omenala nabazi e kam we welu Ndu o
Obughi di Kam nutalanu we bi nudo
Nezienu mu o; Anozimu nakwa o ewooo!

CHECK ALSO:  Fred Aseroma & Chiege Alisigwe - Dinta (Mmere Gini)



Agbalam mbo Kam ma, m'oga lovu mu o
Echelam echichie m'ihe ogadi mma o
Ihe nile mmechara onweghi nke nemezi e
Mmere gini eeh ! Mmere gini eeh Kamjuoo!
Omenala mere mue kam bia biri be gi e
eeh, Osikwelonu mu naka,
Ndi mgbe ochie, obuha butele ya
Gbahara nu muo, ayonu gi o bikooo!

CHECK ALSO:  Thompson Oranu - Keep On Loving Me (IHEAYI NEMERE ONWAYI)

{••••CHORUS••} x 2


Rheotorical :
Ogini kam mere?  Eji atam udi ahuhu a?
Ogini kam mere?  Eji gbakuta mu azu?


Nne na Nnam o, ha mahi na m no n' afufu
Ugomma Nwa nnem omahi na m no n'afufu
Ndi obodo anyi , ha mahi na m no n' afufu
Omenala be anyi e, e memu alu o, ewooo!



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