How to Make a Long-distance Relationship Work


How to Make a Long-distance Relationship Work

How to make a long-distance relationship work? 

Maintaining a healthy long-distance relationship is not always easy: it is hard for many people to cope with the difficulties of such relationships, the joy of communication and meetings can be lost because of distance and sometimes people even decide to break up. However, maintaining a healthy relationship with extra distance is possible, and long-distance relationships also have certain advantages. 

If you have to be in a long-distance relationship due to certain circumstances (promotion, problems in the family, career opportunities in other cities), you shouldn’t be scared off from it: your relationship can work, it is just important to study all the points and rules that will maintain your relationship. Most likely, everyone has a example of such a couple, which after many years of living apart still formed a happy family. How do they do it? Let’s try to understand it! 

Discuss your vision for the future with your partner

It is very important to know if there is a future for you, and what you want to eventually come to, a long-distance relationship requires such nourishment. You should constantly discuss what you want to achieve, the belief in a life together and maybe having children should always be present between you.

Communicate as much as you need to feel connected

Two loving people should constantly make every effort to be together and use every opportunity to meet. Even if you have already used a joint vacation, but you feel that you need to see your other half, then it is better to take a couple of days of vacation at your own expense, but still realize your desire. Of course, such a desire should be on both sides and if one of the partners only “accepts” your aspirations and impulses, then it is worth thinking about whether you need such a relationship at all.

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Support each other’s interests

Yes, yes, do not be surprised, being thousands of kilometers away from each other, you can still have common hobbies and activities. And it is even necessary if you want your partner to be aware of your life, because of the everyday details and activities it is formed. For example, do you both enjoy betting on virtual sports or cycling?

Call your partner while riding in the park, and discuss the little things you see around you: grandmothers on the bench, children on the playground, fragrant flowers, and gentle sunshine. Maybe you like to cook, so make something together, each in his kitchen, but at the same time being on a video conference on Skype. You can even watch movies or gamble at the social casino synchronously, and in parallel in the next window chat to discuss everything that happens. 

Try video calls and other technologies 

It happens so that couples who live in the same city can see each other only on weekends, it is a matter of great employment, but it is a fact that is sometimes very destructive to relationships, although they are much closer to each other. Thankfully, modern progress has come to the point that, being half a world away from your soulmate, you can always call on Skype and see each other, chat in a chat room, email, and constantly text.

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During the day you can always throw a few nice words by text message, and on the way home from work chat about what happened during the day, well, and in the evening before going to bed to discuss personal topics.

Send each other surprise gift packages

Do not forget that although you are at a distance, your soulmate would like to feel, at least sometimes, something tangible near, something that touched her soul mate. Especially, this applies especially to the beautiful half, just sending her flowers by delivery service, cute cards, or small surprises that will be sent by mail, will add a lot of effect. It is also important that your soulmate has some trinket that will always remind her of you and vice versa. This is, for example, a pendant, a bracelet, or a ring that can always be with you.

Are long-distance relationships worth a try? 

Despite all the difficulties, such a relationship also has certain advantages. For example, you will have fewer quarrels over everyday trifles, each of your meetings is always filled with joy, emotion, and happiness, and you are much less likely to get angry at each other because you realize how precious the minutes spent together are. Unlike couples who are constantly together, you have time for self-development, hobbies, and meetings with friends, you can spend more time with your family and friends if they are there for you.   Well, the disadvantages, of course, are known to everyone. The main problem that torments most couples is distrust.

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Therefore, if it so happens that you have to live apart for a while, you have to trust your soulmate, his honesty and innocence should not even be discussed. But, of course, not to the point of blind stupidity, if you see the obvious facts, then maybe it’s time to finish what you so carefully kept all this time. And distance or not, if a person wants, he will leave and from his soulmate, with whom he lives in the same apartment, so distance is not yet an indicator.


Many people ask themselves whether relationships at a distance are possible, and want to get an answer to it from other people. However, whether the long-distance relationship will work or not, depends on both partners. If you have decided to give a long-distance relationship a chance, start applying one tip from our list at a time. It CAN work.

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