Find Out Why Nigerian Music Has Become A Global Sensation


There’s no doubt about it – the Nigerian music industry is flourishing, and not just in Nigeria! Since the dawn of the 21st century, Nigerian artists have been making waves around the world, grabbing the attention of audiences with their catchy tunes and irresistible beats, perfectly offset by soulful singing in Pidgin or alluringly accented English.

In fact, more and more Nigerian talent is being snapped up by prominent global labels such as Sony and Warner – among them big names such as , , Mr. Eazi, and . These artists tour the globe and have amassed a substantial following in places as far-flung as the Middle East and North America.

The secret to their success

If you’ve spent any time in the music industry, you may know that finding the right artists to take the world by storm is a little like seeking the best roulette sites – a complex blend of luck, flair, and solid research is involved. However, once you have found the right site (or, in this case, singer) for you, it’s more than worth the effort.

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That’s certainly the view that has been taken by some of Western music’s biggest names, as they sought to form fruitful collaborations with Nigerian singers and musicians. Among them, you will find chart-topping phenomenon , proving that the Nigerian music scene has caught the attention of some of the highest-profile figures in the global music industry.

But what factors lie behind this immense influence?

Partly, it’s to do with numbers. Nigeria has a booming population, which is steadily transitioning into a middle-class urban lifestyle that lends itself to developing a variety of musical styles, as well as plenty of eager ears to test them on.

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In addition, the Nigerian government has played an important role with its local content policy, which promotes and protects local music and insists that it be broadcast on mainstream media.

A potent blend of talent and availability

Perhaps most importantly, the main reasons for Nigeria’s flourishing music industry are the availability of the Internet and the drive and talent of the artists themselves.

Access to the Internet has given young Nigerian artists the ability to reach a much larger audience, whether they are posting videos of their music on Facebook or even uploading concert videos to YouTube. They have also been able to access a variety of cutting-edge software that helps them to create and refine their musical offerings, and then disseminate them to an eager public.

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Most importantly, however, it is their sheer persistence and passion for their music that has led to Nigerian tunes being such a major global hit. As a result, growing numbers of Nigerian artists are making a name for themselves around the world and reaping the financial rewards for their efforts – which they then reinvest in their local communities.

With such a potent recipe for success, it seems highly likely that Nigerian music will only continue to go from strength to strength and reach ever larger audiences – a status it surely deserves, for its winning combination of talent, drive, and irresistible beats.

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