Records DK introduces Hairat Abdullahi in this Hausa Music titled So Mahadi for free downloads.
Download all old and latest new songs by Khairat Abdullahi – So Mahadi in audio mp3 format below:
DOWNLOAD MP3: Hairat Abdullahi – So Mahadi

Hairat Abdullahi – Mallakina
Records DK introduces Hairat Abdullahi in this Hausa Music titled Mallakina for free downloads. Download all old and latest new songs by Khairat Abdullahi - Mallakina in audio mp3 format below: DOWNLOAD MP3: Hairat Abdullahi - Mallakina

Hairat Abdullahi – Shakuwa
Records DK introduces Hairat Abdullahi in this Hausa Music titled Shakuwa for free downloads. Download all old and latest new songs by Khairat Abdullahi - Shakuwa in audio mp3 format below: DOWNLOAD MP3: Hairat Abdullahi - Shakuwa

Hairat Abdullahi – Aure
Records DK introduces Hairat Abdullahi in this Hausa Music titled Aure from the album Da Sauran Kallo for free downloads. Download all old and latest new songs by Khairat Abdullahi - Aure in audio mp3 format below: DOWNLOAD MP3: Hairat Abdullahi - Aure